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THE CAUSE AND ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT OF CANCER In the last 150 years the medical field has promised hundreds of new treatments for cancer, most of which were promised to be the cure for most cancers. Probably all of them have been based upon the concept of killing the cancer. In all of these years, billions of dollars in research, and probably trillions of dollars in wasted medical bills, cancer patients are not living any longer than they did hundreds of years ago. The number of people with cancer has increased exponentially since the FDA has begun controlling food additives and cancer treatments. The only reduction of the suffering of cancer patients has been in giving them morphine and other pain killers. Actually the modern treatments have greatly increased the suffering in some ways by largely removing the patient from the comforts of home, family and friends and often turning the patient into a complete invalid before the time it would happen if the cancer were running its course. Those who survive the conventional cancer treatments are often in poor health thereafter. Although there have been allopathic doctors and naturopathic doctors who have claimed to consistently cure cancer, and there is a lot of evidence that they really did, the establishment refuses to recognize or even examine any of these claims. Many of them have died in prison for their efforts. The established medical field keeps claiming they now have just received the real treatment for cancer. An interesting study is in patients
definitely diagnosed with cancer who have recovered completely without
any treatments of any kind. Oncologists admit to these rare cases
but put little effort into studying why they recovered. Their recovery
pattern is always completely contrary to the established pattern and the
establishment cannot relate to it.
John decided the treatments might be
more than he could survive at the time and decided to take a month to build
up his health first. He began taking long hikes in the mountains,
improved his diet and began meditating by visualizing himself healthy,
with good healthy cells replacing his diseased cells, and healthy blood
flowing to the area.
Although such cases are enough to prove it is possible, the medical field does little to investigate or study any of these cases. What can be learned from these cases? I am not a doctor; I am a medical researcher. Therefore nothing herein should be considered to be a prescription for any health problem or any diagnoses of any condition. The following should be viewed for information and educational purposes only. However, I think some of my research on the subject of cancer is quite interesting and I hope it will be very helpful to many people. I therefore present the results of my studies for the reader’s consideration only, as follows: Recently, an allopathic surgeon and
oncologist in Italy has published a book in three languages in which he
claims to have cured many patients over the last twenty years considered
incurable by the general medical field. What is the main treatment
he has used? Common sodium bicarbonate! Ridiculous! Impossible!
But, probably quite true.
Cancer is Candida Albacans. Although trained in the conventional medical field, his theories in his specialty of cancer are 180 degrees from present day conventional medicine. And yet everything he says makes perfect sense. Is he right or is the present day medical field right? He is apparently curing cancer consistently, while present day medicine is only increasing the present treatments are doing little to help. A few recover. They always did. If they recover after being treated by alternative methods the doctors usually reply; “It was apparently a false diagnoses.” The original diagnoses was always their diagnoses. If that is the case, the question comes to mind: “How many of their patients who recovered were falsely diagnosed and never did have cancer?” In modern times the medical field claims statistics show an increase in there cancer cures. However, an investigation shows that they have redefined the word “cure” when applied to cancer by defining it as a case in which a person diagnosed with cancer lives two years after the diagnoses. If a patient lives two years and one day after being diagnosed with cancer he (or she) is counted as a cure by the medical profession. Thus it would seem there are more people cured of cancer today than there used to be. But are there? Dr. Simoncini treats his patients primarily as out patients, requiring little or no hospitalization! His treatments are relatively low cost. So what is Dr. Simoncini saying? How does he explain this radical idea? His book is aimed partly at the medical field and the explanations are sometimes hard for the average reader to understand. However, his theories and treatments are simple and easily understood. I will try to explain them in simple and brief terms for the readers. Another researcher in the field is Marijah Mc Cain [29] a microscope specialist and head of the ???? who is equipped with a special microscope in which she claims to have a higher magnification than most doctors have available. With that tool she has searched the blood for Candida Albacans and other fungus. She reports that in virtually every case of a health problem that defies treatment, fungus has heavily infected the blood, although the medical schools still insist that fungus is not systemic (cannot live in the blood). She further reports that after chemotherapy as well as radiation therapy, the tissues were a heavy matt of fine fungus. She states the fungus grows with extreme rapidity after chemotherapy as well as radiation and circulates throughout the body. She further states it is the fungus that kills the patient. In this, Marijah Mc Cain is in complete
agreement with Dr. Simoncini, although they have arrived at their conclusions
from entirely different directions and entirely independently of each other.
Marijah Mc Cain uses herbs, and other natural substances to treat cancer.
The Ph is actually the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen. Oxygen produces an alkaline substance while hydrogen produces an acid substance. An equal balance of both reads 7.0. Thus, alkaline foods are oxygenating while acid foods are high in hydrogen, which apparently absorbs oxygen, perhaps forming water (H20). The PH level is actually a ratio between the oxygen and hydrogen levels. Ideally the PH should be 7.4; slightly high in oxygen. The PH scale is logarithmic. Thus, the difference between a PH of 5 and 6 is ten times as much as between 6 and 7 and the difference between 4 and 5 is 100 times the difference between 6 and 7. It is often considered that the acid-alkaline
level of a person is a very good indication of their health, especially
what their health will be in the near future. This all conforms to Otto
Warburg’s research showing that cancer is a lack of oxygen to the cells
and oxygen starvation will always result in cancer. Raising the PH up to
7.4 is not easy in our modern world of refined and denatured foods, which
are very low in oxygen and the low oxygen levels in the air. Alkaline foods
provide the body with oxygen, as Otto Warburg told us was the cure for
cancer. Alkaline foods produce an alkaline digestive tract and an oxygenated
body in general. Acid forming foods starve the whole body of oxygen.
Dr. Simoncini bases his cancer treatment almost entirely on the concept of raising the patients PH level up to the mid 7 range and does this with sodium bicarbonate. He says this is highly anti-fungal, as well as being very alkaline. This is administered orally and intravenously. He warns that the exact dosage can be critical especially when using it intravenously. The author advises the reader to study
the entire Chapter 8, “Candida and Other Yeasts”, Chapter 9, “What Causes
Candida” and Chapter 11, “Treating Candida” and consider them as included
at this point. Some specific considerations in the treatment of cancer
follows. Much of this also applies to health problems in general.
At this acid level the candida is very irritating to the intestines and commonly eats away at the intestine until it produces a porous intestine at some point. The candida then passes into the blood. Once in the blood at a PH of 5 or less, the candida will settle into one or sometimes more organs. Now the patient has “cancer”, although it takes a long time in most cases to become diagnosable. The organ is being consumed by the fungus and cannot carry out its proper functions. As the fungus attacks the organ, some organs often regrow, always attempting to maintain a healthy organ. In these cases, the cancer is the older part of the organ that the fungus is attacking. If we destroy the “cancer” with radiation or chemotherapy, we break down the cancer cells and produce a huge feast for the fungus. Yes, the cancer appears to be gone or greatly reduced and the treatment is often very impressive. But in the case of chemo, the cells throughout the body are being attacked, although not as heavily as the cancer cells. As a result the chemo or the radiation must be discontinued until the patient regains enough health to withstand more destruction. The candida now grows at a new, much higher rate, feeding off of the destroyed, very acid, cancer cells, and as a result, the cancer regrows at an amazing speed in many cases. By the time the patient has recovered enough to withstand more treatment, the cancer has often regrown to its original size and sometimes larger. The patient is usually led to believe the cancer would be growing just as fast without the treatments and that the treatments are the only thing keeping them temporarily alive. This is usually not true, although the doctor often believes it. The highly accelerated growth rate of the cancer is produced by the almost explosive growth rate of the fungus. The explosive growth rate of the candida is due to the breaking down of the tissues into a form the candida thrives on in an extremely acid condition. The chemotherapy destroys much more than the cancer tissue, including some of the new healthy regrowth of the diseased organ and part of the entire body. Radiation is more closely controlled and limited to the treated area, at least in general. However, the destroyed tissue along with the candida feeding on the body tissues is circulating throughout the body in both cases and broken down cells from the destroyed tissues is just as acidic. If the cancer is totally destroyed in its original area, the fungus moves on to another area. The broken down acidic cells carry the cancer with them. Another major factor in the development of the conditions leading to the deterioration of health is a stagnant lymph system. The heart pumps the blood through the arteries to the capillaries which distribute the blood to all the minute areas of the body. The blood carries the nutrients with it. However, the actual blood cells only touch a very small fraction of the body cells. The blood does not deliver the nutrients to most of the cells. Instead, the fluid of the blood (plasma) passes through the capillary walls and forms the fluid the cells are immersed in and the cells absorb these nutrients from this fluid, now the interstitial fluid. The blood cells are left behind in the capillaries. The body cells are alkaline. The interstitial fluid is saline, alkaline and contains the nutrients for the cells.. The interior of each cell is alkaline. The cells have receptor antenna which draw in certain needed nutrients. If the nutrients in the interstitial fluid is very far out of balance one or more excessive nutrients will block the flow of the other nutrients to; and the wastes from; the cell. Inside the cells are the mitochondria, the organs of the cell that convert the nutrients into energy and probably convert the nutrients into the cells. These mitochondria function elecrically. If the interstitial fluid is not composed of the right balance of chemicals the electric flow will be disrupted and the mitochondria will not function properly and nutrients will not be properly absorbed. The commonest problem is an imbalance of the sodium to potassium. This fluid must be slightly saline. It will contain both sodium and potassium along with the other nutrients. The ratio of sodium to potassium is critical. Either the sodium too high or the potassium too high can suddenly become very serious, to the point of death. However, if the imbalance is not too
great, the problem is often a low level health problem. In the modern
diet the sodium is almost always too high in relation to the potassium.
The salt substitute commonly sold in the stores is potassium chloride.
It tastes almost like common table salt. It will bring the potassium
level up and in most cases tend to balance the sodium potassium ratio.
Some drugs will seriously wreck this ratio. Clarence D. Cone, former head
of the Molecular Biophysics Laboratory at NASA’s Langley Research Center
found that “proliferation of malignant cells in cultures can be effectively
‘turned off’ by suitably lowering the intercellular sodium concentration
while elevating the potassium concentration, and the blocked cells soon
die; the key factor…is the lowering of the intracellular sodium level.
Any excessive nutrient can block the interstitial fluids from transferring their nutrients to the cells and absorbing the wastes. This can include sugars and this condition is related to diabetes. The interstitial fluids become the lymph
fluids once they have delivered the nutrients to the cells and absorbed
the wastes from the cells. The fluids are now ready to return to
the blood. Neither the interstitial fluids nor the lymph fluids are
moved by the heart. They must be flushed through the healthy tissues,
then through the lymph glands. In the lymph glands they are filtered
for dangerous poisons such as from bites and infections, processed to clean
them up and eventually pass into the veins, mixing back in with the blood
People who work hard physically or otherwise
exercise heavily breathe deeply with the diaphragm. Also their body
movement moves the fluids through the body. A person who is not used
to doing so and takes a deep breath with the diaphragm will often feel
dizzy momentarily. This is caused by the flushing of the stagnant
lymph fluids through the brain. This is a sure sign that the persons’
lymph fluids are stagnant. This lack of circulation of lymph fluids
drastically lowers ones health in general. I believe it is essential
when fighting cancer and most other chronic diseases to get these fluids
moving properly.
I once knew a 71 year old man who told me he and his wife had toured the whole country before deciding where to retire. They bought a beautiful home in a very good neighborhood and had a very nice sail boat. They had just gotten their new house fixed up the way they wanted it. Then while sailing one day a small storm came up and they headed into their dock, but had trouble docking the boat. After that his wife would not go sailing again. They met while square dancing and had joined a square dance club within walking distance of their house. But, after a couple of years his wife had a disagreement with some of the members and would not go square dancing again. His wife spent all of her waking time cleaning. She took the cook stove apart and cleaned behind it and the refrigerator every day. She even climbed on top of the two story house and swept the roof. She never stopped. He wanted her to spend some time with him. His three children had not come to visit him as he had expected. Other friends and relatives failed to make the trip. His wife’s daughter and son both moved to Florida. Then they had an unusually cold winter. Now the wife decided they had not moved far enough south and they were moving to Florida. He called me up and told me his problems. He said he was not moving to Florida. I asked him what he was going to do. Was he going to stay there alone? “No!” Was he going to move back with his family? “No!” How about moving to his brother’s? “No!” Well what are you going to do? “I don’t know!” Soon thereafter he called and told me he had cancer of the colon and the doctors did not think they could operate or use any other treatment. I told him of the Bio-Med Clinic in Tijuana and he was ready to go but his wife would not hear of it. She talked the doctor into telling him a new treatment had just come out that would treat his condition. He waited and waited for the treatment until he was not able to go to Mexico and then got his treatment, from which he did not survive. The point of this story is that he had refused to accept any of the alternatives he could see in life. He certainly did not want to die. But he did not want to accept any of the alternatives he could see. He needed a way to get some time with his wife and to get his friends and relatives to visit him. His subconscious mind found a solution to all of his problems (almost all). I believe the subconscious mind obeys our directions to a very large extent although not our wishes or desires. The strong messages he was giving it left no choice but death. But death by cancer was a very clever solution. If he was dying of cancer, his wife would have to spend a lot of time caring for him. His family and friends would have to come to visit him. He would not have to move anywhere. The subconscious found a solution to all of his requirements. We must have a will to live, something to live for, some goal in life, some interest in the future. When we want out of our present circumstances, we have to plan the way out and carry out our plans. If we leave it to our subconscious mind, we may not like its solution. A strong feeling of being a victim in life and a feeling that life is not fair, usually eventually leads to health problems. There are several books by medical doctors
on this subject. One good one is “Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer”,
by Kenneth. R. Pelletier.
In most cases of “spontaneous regression” the patient has changed his mental attitude, his diet, has exercised and adopted much better health habits. In the case of John Matzke it seems probable from all we know that he had done all of this. But he tells us he did one more important thing. John visualized himself as being in perfect health. He visualized his blood as healing his lung and pouring life into it. He visualized the things he wanted to do in the future. The power of the mind cannot be denied by any open minded person that has investigated it. I have seen hundreds of people walk across red hot coals that would fry meat instantly, twice the heat of a frying pan, and do so slowly and calmly. I have seen a seven year old boy led slowly over these super hot coals and then go right back and do it again with no injuries whatsoever. I have also seen non believers run across the same coals and receive severe burns. The difference? All in the mind. Summing up my ten point program for
cancer, the treatment is:
Cancer is not just a disease. It is not only a growth in one organ of the body. It is a condition of a very sick body and a sick mind. It is a fungus in the blood. It is an acidic condition of the body. It is also a state of mind. However, the body can be changed very quickly with heavy doses of silver. Begin gradually over a period of three days or more. The other changes listed above will definitely help and are largely required. They will also result in greatly improved health. To remain cancer free and healthy a real effort to carry out the above program will be necessary. An overall program can produce very rapid results. John Matzke completely healed his serious cancer in one month! There are several ways to bring the PH up. Dr. Simoncini raises the PH fast with sodium bicarbonate. Obviously his method is quick, easy and works. Unfortunately, if nothing else is done about the low acidic PH, it will revert to where it was when the sodium bicarbonate is discontinued. However, my main concern for Dr. Simoncini’s treatments is it would seem the sodium to potassium ratio would very quickly get too far out of balance, especially since it is almost always too high in sodium to begin with. Dr. Simoncini speaks of his hope that a pharmaceutical company will develop a product that will do this better than the bicarbonate of soda. Mother nature has already provided us with such substances. All hot peppers are very good. One of these is cayenne pepper. It can be purchased in the health food store in capsules. It heals many problems of the digestive tract including ulcers. It expands the blood vessels, increasing the blood flow. It should not be given to people on blood thinners. Placing cayenne pepper under the tongue of a person having a heart attack is the very best and fastest way to stop a heart attack. It will burn the tongue some but save the life. Peppers are very alkaline. That makes them ideal for quickly raising the PH. Calcium and potassium and minerals in general are other nutrients that raise the PH rather fast. Mineral salts will not change the PH noticeably. Calcium should only be taken with magnesium and vitamin D. The magnesium also raises the PH. Only a very good source of calcium should be used as most calcium supplements are almost insoluble and will form in the joints instead of the bones and teeth, producing arthritis, rheumatism and other calcium problems. Greens are the best source of these minerals. However, it takes a lot of greens to change the PH very much. Greens also provide iron and carotene which forms vitamin A. A cheap easy way to get these greens is from tablets of some kind of greens. Some are rather expensive, while some are quite cheap and satisfactory. It usually takes about nine tablets a day. Coral calcium seems to be a good source of calcium, as it is claimed to be 95% soluble. This is still not as good as greens. Another good way to raise the PH is
with alkalized water. The water is passed through a magnetic or electrolytic
process which separates the minerals from the acids. The acid portion
is used for cleaning or thrown away, while the alkaline water is taken
orally. This is an easy way to improve the health in general and
probably the easiest way to raise the PH.
A combination of these and perhaps figs would be a very good way to very quickly raise the PH. These treatments can be almost as fast and effective as intravenous treatments although raising the PH to 7.4 is very difficult. Still better is a good diet which will bring the PH up to where it should be from good foods. This will be difficult for most people in our modern society. There are several books on the subject. You can find almost everything you need to know by looking up “acid alkaline diet” on the web. This is the real way to health, but takes a very determined effort. Although a drastic change in the diet will usually seem unpleasant, the body adapts to what is eaten and in six weeks a new diet seems like the diet of preference. In general, meats and fish are acid forming. Fruits and vegetables are alkaline forming. Minerals are alkaline forming. Surprisingly, acid fruit juices such as citrus, tomato and pineapple are alkaline forming. Live culture apple cider vinegar is excellent. Candida can be almost eliminated in both the digestive system and the blood by raising the PH to the mid 7 range. Silver will eliminate the candida faster and more completely and much easier. In the case of cancer, the evidence appears to support the concept that the silver will also help to rebuild the diseased organ and return it to health. Silver’s ability to produce the needed stem cells is a very important function of silver in the treatment of cancer. This will not take the place of a good diet or the above listed changes. However, other treatments will not take the place of silver. A person can easily test the PH of their saliva by buying some very inexpensive litmus paper from a drug store, a good health food store or pool supply store. The best time to check the saliva is just after getting up in the morning, before drinking anything including water or food. Then wet the litmus paper with fresh saliva and compare the color with the chart furnished. If a person has had chemotherapy or radiation treatments, the silver is especially important. The above program will often save them if they are in the earlier stages of treatment. Cancer can be healed!
"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements are not intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent and disease." |