News and Happenings

News from The Inner Shelf Bookstore
      The bookstore is not only for books - did you know that we also have beautiful jewelry? Check out the crystal and silver pendants: you may find one with your name on it (crystals are like that). We also have jewelry with the "Oneness" symbol, a copyrighted design that incorporates all the religions of the world and is a reminder of the Unity we are named for.

Books too!
      The bookstore has new books, used books, children's books, gift books, books to learn from and books to enjoy, as well as many inspirational CD's. Recently two of our members moved to smaller quarters and donated their entire metaphysical library. These are available at bargain prices.
      There is always something new in the bookstore.

Yoga Classes Continue
      Yoga classes continue on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 p.m. with teacher Samantha Patterson. This is a basic, beginner's class, but all levels will benefit. There is no emphasis on forcing your unwilling body into torturous poses, just encouragement and understanding. Samantha sets a peaceful mood with candles and music, and leads us through a relaxing, deep breathing, and meditative experience.
      It's good for the body and good for the soul.

Prosperity and Finances
      Prosperity can encompass many things: happiness, health, friends, success, and quality of life, as well as the usual meaning of wealth and affluence. In many ways our church is prosperous. Our membership is growing; we have dedicated workers who devote many hours to helping out with the chores; we enjoy friendship and companionship, and share a blessedly positive outlook on life.
      But in terms of cash, we're less prosperous. Our Treasurer, Kathleen Mckevitt, totalled all expenses and costs for this year, and then deducted the interest income from our Iowa Street property. Our expenditures exceeded our income by $4,486.53 from August 31, 2004 to August 31, 2005. If it weren't for the interest income, and the occasional large extraordinary tithe we receive from members (thank you, thank you), we would be in serious trouble. We are living on our past, and spending our future.
      Simple arithmetic shows that we need to take in a minimum of $4,500 per month for day-to-day operations. We can increase revenue by increasing attendance, or by each of us donating a little more each week. With an average weekly attendance of 25, if each person donates $10.37, we will meet our goal. We are telling you this because we believe you are interested in the future of your church, and you need to know.

Prosperity Bank Sunday
      Prosperity Bank Sunday is always the first Sunday of the month. That is the day we ask you to bring in all the extra change you've been blessing and putting aside for the past month. We are now using Prosperity Bank funds for the purchase of much-needed office equipment and supplies.
      Bobbi Sipe has put together a beautiful Treasure Map showing the kinds of things we need. It will be on display in the front lobby on the first and last Sunday of every month.
      Thanks to all of you who have taken this opportunity to prosper yourself and your church. Donations have increased, and we'll have a full accounting next month. And soon you'll be seeing the changes around the church that your generosity has paid for.

The New World Beckons
A Talk and Seminar
by Dr. George Catlin

Dr. Catlin's flyer states:
      "Today we stand on the threshold of a genuinely New Time. A time when all will know the truth of God's love and the ways to express that love in practical forms serving human well-being.
      This time will come when we create it in full cooperation with those who have gone ahead of us on the spiritual path. These Great Ones are both our brothers in the truest sense and our guides into our destiny as embodiments of the One Life.
      We now have the opportunity to work with them in re-establishing the Reign of Love and the Plan of Light in the world. The steps before us are simple indeed yet they require our highest aspiration and our most dedicated service.
      We can and we must respond to the call into our future, into a time of right human relations, peace and justice on earth."
      Dr. George Catlin lives in Los Angeles with his wife of 27 years. He has taught psychology at leading liberal arts colleges and lived for years in the Findhorm Community in Scotland. His recent book, The Way to Happiness, introduces readers to the basic elements of the spiritual path and its ultimate goal of self-realization, the state achieved and embodied by the Masters of Wisdom.
      Rev. Alden Studebaker, minister at Garden Park Unity Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, states: "Dr. Catlin blessed our church with a positive message of hope for the future, a message much needed in this day of war, terrorism, and uncertainty. His presentation was eloquent, insightful and articulate, as well as gentle and kindly. The idea that there are other spiritual masters willing to support humanity, in addition to the familiar Jesus and Buddha, is one worth considering."
      Dr. Catlin will speak at Unity of Riverside on November 13. There is no charge, but a Love Offering will be gratefully accepted.