Twelve Powers of Man

According to Charles Fillmore, humans possess Twelve Powers. Each month is represented by one of the Powers, a color, and a Disciple.

Zeal is the power for October. It is represented by the Disciple Simon. The color is Orange.

We don't hear much about "zeal" any more. But Charles Fillmore felt it was so important that he made it one of his twelve powers. In The Revealing Word, he defines zeal as:

"Intensity, ardor, enthusiasm, the inward fire of the soul that urges man onward, regardless of the intellectual mind of caution and conservatism. Zeal is the mighty force that incites the winds, the tides, the storms, it urges the planet on its course, is the urge behind all things...the affirmative impulse of existence.."

But too much zeal can endanger you. "The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up" says Psalms 69:9. Fillmore says this means that "the zeal faculty has become so active intellectually that it has consumed the vitality and left nothing for spiritual growth. One may become so to bring on nervous prostration...Do not let your zeal run away with your judgment. When zeal and judgment work together great things can be accomplished."