thanksgiving1999.htmlTEXTMOSS cz[cz[
Chan Family Thanksgiving, Nov. 25, 1999

Chan Family Thanksgiving Day Dinner, Nov. 25, 1999

Attended by: Mom, Dad, Kevin, Karen, Susie, Scott, Auntie Flora, Peter, Uncle Wayne, Helen, Arleen, Steve, Autumn and West.

The turkey, all seasoned, trussed, and ready for roasting.
raw turkey

Ready to carve!

Uncle Wayne carves the turkey

Susie prepares the ham
Susie cutting ham

The "kid's table"
kid table

The "adult's table" (hey, how come the adults get a decorated table???)
Adult Table

Arleen must have been really hungry!

Mmmmmm....dessert! Pumpkin pie, chocolate mousse cake, and home made brownies!

Dad can't hardly wait to get into the dessert

Susie serves up the goodies!

Scott and Steve

Auntie Flora and Peter

Autumn (3 yrs) and West (10 mos)

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