1. Wash-up 2. Regular work week of five days 3. Curtailment or termination of postal operations 4. Formulation of local leave program 5. The duration of the choice vacation period(s) 6. Beginning day of an employee's vacation period 7. Option to request two selections during the choice vacation period 8. Jury duty and attendance at National or State Conventions 9. Maximum number of employees who shall receive leave each week 10. Official notices to each employee of the vacation schedule 11. Notifying employees of the beginning of the new leave year 12. Applications for annual leave during other than the choice vacation period 13. Holiday scheduling 14. "Overtime Desired" Lists 15. The number of light duty assignments 16. Reserving light duty assignments 17. The identification of light duty assignments 18. Assignments comprising a section, when it is proposed to reassign 19. Employee parking 20. Annual leave to attend Union activities 21. Other items 22. Seniority, reassignments, and posting
Management will grant reasonable wash-up time to employees who perform dirty work or work with toxic materials.
All letter carrier assignments in the Ontario Post Office shall have a rotating day-off schedule with the work week running from Saturday through Friday unless otherwise agreed to between Branch 1439 and Ontario Management.
It is recognized by both parties that on occasion, emergency conditions may exist which would encourage the employer to consider the curtailment of the mail. In cases of such emergency conditions, the employer will, prior to making a decision to curtail the mail, take into consideration such factors as:
a. The degree of emergency as stated by and acted upon by responsible governmental authorities.
b. The safety and health of its employees.
c. The accessibility of postal operations and its customers to the employer and employees.
d. The requirements and reactions of its customers to the emergency.
The Ontario Post Office shall comply to the maximum extent possible with all requests by local (City and County), State and Federal officials in regard to any emergency that may present an endangerment to life or limb of the people in the affected area. The employer will notify the union of its decision and plan of implementation as soon as possible.
A. The leave program will cover the Leave Years beginning in 1994 and continuing until this agreement is re-negotiated.
B. A total of 12% of the Carrier Work Force will be allowed off each week on Bid Annual Leave.
C. On November 1 of the preceding year, management and Branch 1439 will meet and determine the number of carriers to be allowed off each week as per the 12% formula. Computations of .5% or more entitles the carrier work force to one more eligible Carrier Bidder. Additionally, the President of Branch 1439 and management will decide if they will use an Annual Leave Coordinator for the new year. On May 1 of the current leave year, management and Branch 1439 will meet to review the complement and adjust the amount of vacation spaces available to be bid, subject to the 12% formula. Any previously approved annual leave bid cannot be canceled by the employer based on this provision.
D. If agreed to, Management and the Annual Leave Coordinator will post a Leave Calendar and keep it up to date. This Leave Calendar will show all leave bid, and all weeks available to be bid. All annual leave bids will be submitted to the Annual Leave Coordinator.
E. If an Annual Leave Coordinator is not agreed to, all 3971's will be submitted to management.
A. The two rounds of bidding will encompass the entire Calendar Year.
B. Each Round of bidding will be conducted on a seniority basis.
C. During each of the two rounds of bidding, management and Annual Leave Coordinator will contact each Carrier, and show them the up-to-date Leave Calendar.
D. For each of the two rounds, Carriers will be given two (2) PS Form 3971's and will have 48 hours to make their selections.
E. A copy of PS Form 3971, signed by the responsible Supervisor and the Annual Leave Coordinator, will be returned to the Carrier within 48 hours.
A. The first round of bidding will begin on November 2.
B. Employees who earn 13 days annual leave per year shall be granted up to 10 days of continuous leave during the vacation period. The number of days of annual leave, not to exceed 10, shall be at the option of the employee. Employees who earn 20 or 26 days of annual leave per year shall be granted up to 15 days of continuous annual leave during the vacation period. The number of days of annual leave, not to exceed 15, shall be at the option of the employee.
A. The second round will start immediately after the completion of the first, and must be completed by December 31.
B. During this round Carriers may bid all accrued leave to their credit, including leave to be earned during the current year.
A. Carriers are expected to take their annual leave as bid.
B. Periods of annual leave bid by carriers which are vacated for any reason, will be re-posted promptly, providing ten (10) working days notice is given.
C. If leave is not relinquished before ten (10) working days and the route has been opted for, the carrier may be required to work off of his/her bid assignment.
The vacation period will encompass the entire Calendar year.
The beginning day of a carrier's vacation period shall be the Monday of the calendar week bid.
Carriers may request at their option two (2) selections, in units of either five (5) or ten (10) days, the total not to exceed fifteen (15). These two selections may be joined together (15 days total).
Jury duty shall not be charged to the vacation calendar.
Attendance at National or State Conventions shall not be charged to the vacation calendar.
A total of 12% of the Carrier Work Force will be allowed off each week on Bid Annual Leave.
A copy of PS Form 3971, signed by the Annual Leave Coordinator and the responsible supervisor, will be returned to the Carrier within 48 hours.
The employer shall, no later than November 1, publicize on bulletin boards and time clocks the beginning date of the new leave year, which shall begin with the first day of the first full pay period of the calendar year. All stations and branches will be notified.
A. Any time during the leave year a Carrier may bid any vacant week(s) on the leave calendar (subject to the 12% formula) on a first come, first serve basis, provided the request is made on PS Form 3971, and submitted ten (10) days in advance. On applications bearing the same date, seniority shall be the determining factor.
B. Leave requests for units of one or more week(s) will be submitted on PS Form 3971 and returned within 48 hours.
C. Vacation weeks not committed by Monday of the preceding week shall be available for annual leave in units of one (1) day or more, on a first-come first-serve basis, up to the 12% formula. Requests for units of one (1) day or more must be submitted by Tuesday of the preceding week. Leave requests submitted after the Tuesday cut-off will be granted at the discretion of management. Every effort will be made to reach the 12% formula.
D. Leave requests for units of one (1) or more day (s) will be submitted on PS Form 3971 and acted upon by Wednesday of the preceding week.
Employees will be selected to work on a holiday in the following order;
1. Assign all Part-time flexibles and all Casuals.
2. Assign all volunteers by seniority (Both holiday and non-scheduled day).
3. Mandatory
a. Non-scheduled day by juniority.
b. Holiday by juniority.
1. Overtime desired lists shall be maintained by section. For the purposes of these lists, the sections are identified as;
A. Ontario Main Office- All routes in Units I and II.
B. Ontario Downtown Station.
C. Ontario Plaza Center Station.
2. Downtown and Plaza Stations
a. Ontario Downtown Station and Plaza Center Station shall maximize their 10 hour and 12 hour Overtime Desired Lists and all available part-time Flexible employees before any regular letter carrier on the work assignment list or not on any overtime desired list is ordered to work overtime. The only exception to this rule is in the case of unforeseen emergencies.
3. Ontario Main Office
a. The Ontario Main Office shall maximize its overtime desired list before any carrier not on the overtime desired list is required to carry overtime. Any available part-time Flexible carrier not on an opt route shall be used at the Downtown or Plaza Center Stations to avoid mandatory overtime for regular letter carriers not on the overtime list and/or to avoid requiring work assignment list carriers to carry overtime off of their assignment. The above also applies to casual carriers.
No maximum or minimum will be placed upon the number of light duty assignments. A carrier desiring reassignment to light duty work shall submit to the installation head or his/her designee a written request for light duty assignment. The request shall be supported by a medical statement from a licensed physician or chiropractor, stating;
1. A medical statement detailing the nature of the illness.
2. The anticipated duration of the employee's inability to perform regularly assigned duties.
3. An identification of the specific tasks the employee is able to perform.
4. Requests for light duty assignments must be re-submitted every thirty days, along with current medical documentation.
The employer will make every effort to provide light duty assignments within the medical limitations of the employee without detriment to full-time employees.
Light duty assignments for letter carriers may be made available in other crafts as long as it is not to the detriment of the other crafts and is within the medical limitations prescribed by a physician.
Section shall be defined as a delivery unit throughout the Ontario Post Office. It is agreed that the Ontario Post Office and its stations and branches shall be known as an installation.
The existing parking program will remain in effect consistent with the 1994-1998 National Agreement. Parking will become a subject for 1994-1998 Labor/Management meetings. This issue may be re-opened pending decisions rendered by the Air Quality Management District.
Annual leave requested for union business will be not charged to the vacation schedule.
A. 41.1A5 Letter Carrier route assignments shall not be posted for bid when there is a change for any reason of more than one hour in the starting time of the assignment.
B. 41.1B2 Notices inviting bids for letter carrier craft assignments shall be posted on the official bulletin boards installation-wide.
C. 41.1B3 Notices inviting bids for letter carrier craft assignments shall be posted on the official bulletin boards for ten (10) days.
D. Letter Carriers shall make their bids in writing on the official Postal Form 1717 (pink card). Pink cards will be deposited in the bid boxes located within each station or branch of the Ontario installation. All bids will be kept secret until the final day of bids.
E. The Postal Service shall issue copies of all assignments posted within the Ontario installation to Branch 1439 of the NALC. A steward or other Union representative shall be present when all bids are opened.
F. A letter carrier who has submitted a bid for a vacant duty assignment shall have a right to withdraw in writing, anytime but not later than the closing time (hour and date) of the posting.
G. Article 41, Section 1C.4 of the National Agreement will be an agenda item for local Labor-Management meetings.
A. Vacant craft duty assignments of anticipated duration of five (5) days or more will be posted on the bulletin boards at the Main Office, Stations and Branches for bid by all full-time reserves, unassigned regulars, and part time flexible substitutes. These assignments will be posted by 3:00 p.m. the Wednesday nine (9) days prior to the letter carrier routes anticipated vacancy. The bid sheet will be closed for bids and removed from the bulletin board at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, four (4) days prior to the anticipated vacancy. Those weeks involving a holiday will be closed for bids and removed at 10:00 a.m. Monday, five (5) days prior to the vacancy. Carriers shall indicate their bids for anticipated vacancies of five (5) days or more by signing and printing their names, and the order of preference if two or more vacancies are posted, on the posted Postal bid sheet by Wednesday and no later than twenty four (24) hours before the assignment commences, the senior carrier having indicated his/her preference shall be notified that he/she is awarded the assignment via the posted weekly schedule.
B. When a letter carrier route or full-time duty assignment other than the letter carrier route(s) or full-time duty assignment(s) of the junior employee(s) is abolished at a delivery unit as a result of, but not limited to, route adjustment, highways, housing projects, all routes and full-time duty assignments at that unit held by letter carriers who are junior to the carrier(s) whose route(s) or full-time duty assignment(s) was abolished shall be posted for bid in accordance with the posting procedure in this article. The local branch may on a one-time basis during the life of this Agreement elect to delete the provision from its local agreement.