: ListBot has shut down its free services for my mailing list. So, I've started a new mailing list at Yahoo! Groups. Here is the link to check it out http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blitzthecat and here is the direct link to join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blitzthecat/join If my pet finds out about my new email group and joins, she may try to post a few Tupperware® announcements in there. I don't mind her recipes and ideas though. Welcome to my web site! I am the cat who has his own resume and need my own website to share a little about me. I hope you enjoy it. Also, please help my pet out; I even added a page just for her. There's lots of great sales just for web shoppers all the time. My pet is just having too much fun out there in that world of Tupperware® away from me. One more thing, please be sure to sign my Guest Book on the Contact Me page. Thank you for visiting! Blitz the Cat
Please remember that I have two rules that are very simple and easy to follow. The rules are for the people.
Basically that means when I plop, you rub the belly. Nothing more. Nothing less. Plop, rub. Plop, rub. Plop Rub. And don't you forget it! And if I plop when other animals are around, it's because I'm teaching the techniques of plopping.
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