Miscellaneous Writings The author, hard at work

What's all this, then?

This is my new web page, containing miscellaneous stuff I've written. Hence the superlatively imaginative title, "Miscellaneous Writings."


LNH Stories

These stories originally appeared on the newsgroup rec.arts.comics.creative. You can read more about the Legion of Net.Heroes at the Legion of net.Heroes Homepage

LNH 'Tsk' Force #1: Bad Tourists, part 1 of 2
LNH 'Tsk' Force #2: Bad Tourists, part 2 of 2
LNH 'Tsk' Force #3: Lost in the Supermarket
LNH 'Tsk' Force #4: Psychic Enemies Network
LNH 'Tsk' Force #5: Spoiler Space
LNH 'Tsk' Force #6: Cable Bill, part 1 of 4
LNH 'Tsk' Force #7: Cable Bill, part 2 of 4
LNH 'Tsk' Force #8: Cable Bill, part 3 of 4
LNH 'Tsk' Force #9: Cable Bill, part 4 or 4

Essays and Humor


Roleplaying games are a hobby of mine, and from time to time I've written something about them.

Everything I Ever Needed to Know, I Learned from Roleplaying Games
Never Play Champions with a GM who Hates Superheroes

Other Roleplaying Resources

The Watch, vol.2. A DC Heroes campaign.
The Dark Adapted Eye. An Unknown Armies campaign.

Critical Mess: Reviews

Interactive Fiction

Or, if you prefer, text adventure games. The Brass Lantern is an excellent source of information on the online IF "scene", if you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about and yet feel compelled to seek out more information.

A review of "Chico and I Ran" by J.D. Berry.

Reviews of the entries in the 6th Annual IF Competition.

This page was last updated: December 23, 2001
© 1998-2001 Steven Howard.
The monkey photo and other public domain images come from www.PDImages.com