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The FDA's Current Plans?

On the other side of the coin, The FDA is working hard to block your access to time proven vitamins and minerals. 

Can you imagine having to go to a professional drug supplier (your doctor) to get a permission slip so you can go to the local drug dealer (your pharmacy) to get come vitamin C or a multi-vitamin. 

Can you imagine the problems there will be in enforcing the laws against “illegal” vitamins?  Imagine going to jail for having some B-12 in your possession.  And, don't even think of trying to “smuggle” your vitamins in from Mexico or Canada.  Do you think the prisons are full now?  Just wait, if the FDA gets its way. 

Do you think this is too crazy to really happen? 
It already has.  Click here to learn where.

"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These statements are not intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent and disease."
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