Chan Family Photo Gallery
The Chan Family Photo Gallery

Sorry this page is so out of date. I haven't been very good at keeping up! I am working on new pages, and will add them as they're ready (tho' possibly not in date order). I've been better at keeping my Creations page (where my crafting things are) up to date. In the meantime, check out the Christmas Newsletters, as they will give you a synopsis of my year. kmc

Karen's Christmas Newsletter for 2007 (downloads a 2-page .pdf file)

Karen's Christmas Newsletter for 2006 (downloads a 2-page .pdf file

Karen's Christmas Newsletter for 2005 (downloads a .pdf file

Karen's Christmas Newsletter for 2004 (downloads a .pdf file

Making a Donation to Locks of Love September 15, 2004

Memorial Day 2004 May 31, 2004

Scott and Karen on "The Nephews' Tour" Feb. 26-March 1, 2004

The Big Eltie Adventure Feb. 16-18, 2004

Formal Family Portraits February 2004

Karen's Christmas Newsletter for 2003

Karen and Scott's ill-fated cruise to the Caribbean Oct. 31-Nov, 14, 2003 NOT UP YET

Christmas Day Dec. 25, 2002

Karen's Christmas Newsletter for 2002

Thanksgiving Day Nov. 27, 2002

Karen and Scott in New York Aug 28-Sept 4, 2002

Memorial Day 2002

East Africa Safari to Tanzania and Kenya February 8-22, 2002

New Years Day January 1, 2002

Long Beach Aquarium Sept. 9, 2001

New Year's Day Jan. 1, 2001

Christmas Day Dec. 25, 2000

Memorial Day May 29, 2000

Panama Canal Cruise on the Holland America Motorship Maasdam February 9-21, 2000

Christmas Dec. 25, 1999

Thanksgiving Nov. 25, 1999

Memorial Day May 31, 1999

Mother's Day May 9, 1999

Ensenada Cruise Dec.27-30, 1998

The Hsu Girl Cousins at Dad's 70th Birthday Party on September 5, 2004. This is the first time in a loooonng time that all of us girls have been together in one place. We're actually two generations on our own now! (standing l-r: Cami, Heather, Christine, Siena, Linda, Julanne, Helen, Melissa, Sabrina, Autumn and Arleen; sitting l-r: Susie, Karen, and Melia)

The family at Dad's 65th Birthday Party, September 4, 1999 (l-r: Me, Mom, Dad, my big brother Kevin & my sister-in-law Susie)

Minolta Tower, Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada, June 1998 (l-r: Susie, Kevin, Dad, Me, and Mom)

Alexandria, VA, June 1998 (l-r: Dad, Mom, Susie, Kevin, Me)
Family in Alexandria, VA

My friend Mee Ling and I, Memorial Day May 29, 2000

Dad and Andrew, Memorial Day May 29, 2000

Scott and I on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, 1999

Girl Cousins at Christmas, 1998
From l-r: top row: Arleen, Gayley, Karen and Susie; bottom: Helen, Christine, Autumn, Heather, and Cami.

My dad with grand-nephews Christopher (8), and Andrew (4), Christmas 1998
da Boyz

This is mom in front of her computer. Now that she's discovered the Internet, she's quite the surfin' mama!
Mom at computer

Here are my mom and dad, Kenneth and Sarah. Aren't they a cute couple?
My Mommy and Daddy

Scott and I at a friend's wedding, July 1998
Karen and Scott at Jenn and Ray's wedding

Mom and dad went up to Frazier Park to see the snow, April 1998.
Here's how dad keeps his video camera dry.
Dad at snow

Scott and I at his brother's wedding in Vermont, August 1997

Scott and his NASA Medal of Excellence, September 1997

One of my longest and best buddies, Pat.
We were at a scrapbooking night at San Marino Toys one night near her birthday, and I surprised her with birthday cupcakes which we shared with everyone.

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