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We Are All 'Officially' Crazy

On January 14, 2008 a caller to the Dr. Laura radio program complained that her husband was becoming paranoid and was "melting silver in the kitchen to make colloidal silver."  Before the caller could go further, Dr. Laura interrupted her to tell her that her husband was "mentally unbalanced" and needed professional help right away.  When the caller attempted to explain further, Dr. Laura again instructed her to get professional help for her husband right away.

Up till then, I did not know that using colloidal silver was a symptom which indicated mental illness.  Since I have been using colloidal silver for years with great success
I now have been diagnosed as officially crazy.

Despite the fact that silver has been used for centuries as a disease prevention and healing agent the current medical thinking is that it is dangerous.  Granted that silver in the wrong form can cause problems (click here to read about the "Blue Man") there are very few incidents of reported problems from its use.  Unfortunately, every time someone has a problem (usually from making their own concoction using a "home made" generator and by adding an electrolyte such as salt) the drug/medical establishment pumps out a batch of scare press. 

The truth is that there are hundreds of thousands of "Crazy" people using colloidal silver every day with great success.  And, the big drug companies hate this because it cuts into the demand for their drugs and profits! 

In a recent Dr. Mercola newsletter he referenced an article about the Blue Man and expressed some cautions about the form of the colloidal silver you might use.
Click here to read it ... and the hundreds of comments which were over 90% in favor of using colloidal silver

When you are finished reading about the mild precaution regarding colloidal silver, go to another recent Dr. Mercola newsletter.  Read about the millions of people (yes, I said millions) who were killed or hospitalized by the use of "approved" drugs that the big drug companies are forcing the FDA to approve.  Click here for the full story and comments.

As you read his newsletters, you will find Dr. Mercola advocating taking responsibility for your own health through diet, exercise, and a proper mental attitude.  While Dr. Mercola is cautious about the use of colloidal silver he does acknowledge its many benefits and uses.

I am personally continuing to explore and expand the use of colloidal silver in the areas of bacteria, mold, fungus and disease control.  From personal use, pet treatment, and application to the garden I have had over 95% success in my tests and experiments.  More to the point, I have had no incidence of adverse "negative" results.  You can bet the big drug companies and the FDA would envy that record.

Take some time and study this web site.  Check out the references.  Do your homework.  Then you can decide for yourself whether or not you want to join the "Crazy" people and use colloidal silver to protect your environment. 

"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These statements are not intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent and disease."
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